The WCCC has been actively lobbying the ACT Government for the provision of library facilities in Weston Creek.
The original proposal was to co-locate a public library in conjunction with Canberra College – Stirling Campus. The detail of this proposal needed refinement but did remove the requirement for a stand-alone building – it involved joint use of the evening classes and available space in the building. It would have met the needs of students and residents as an information technology online library. The proposal was put to the ACT Government in the budget consultation process.
A feasibility study for a new library for Canberra appeared in the draft capital works program – for Gungahlin!
The WCCC has met with the ACT Library Service on several occasions and expressed concern regarding the lack of service to the 24,000 residents of Weston Creek and the inadequate arrangements in respect of Woden Library.
At a recent Chief Minister’s Department Community Councils Forum attended by the ACT Library Service the WCCC again voiced its concern on the total lack of action in resolving an on-going major issue in Weston Creek.
With the new suburbs of the Molonglo area rapidly developing, is it time to revisit the need for a library in Weston Creek? It seems that Weston Creek has been let neglected for far too long.
The Weston Creek Community Council has been lobbying and asking the Government and local members of the Legislative Assembly for years saying that a new Centre is long overdue and should be along the lines of the Centre being considered for Woden that includes Community Services [ours is Communities at Work], an area for Seniors to interact and utilise the centre with a new form of library essentials. Council also asked questions of local candidates in the lead up to the last ACT Election.