The Suburban Land Agency is hosting another Molonglo Valley Community Information Night on Thursday 24 May 2018 between 7pm and 9pm at Charles Weston School.
This event will be live streamed to the Molonglo Valley Mingle Facebook page and will include a Q&A session. These videos will also be uploaded to the Molonglo Valley Mingle page on the Suburban Land Agency website.
If you would like to attend you are very welcome.
Council Committee Members are unable to attend as this clashes with their Committee Meeting the same evening but they have asked the following questions on behalf of people in Molonglo:
- The Coombs shops – an update on the possibility of when they might open
- The land sold in Wright in which there is the proposal for a Supermarket and where this is at – has a Development Application been lodged
- Bus routes for Molonglo – what are the plans for the Suburban bus routes for Molonglo for the future
- is there any plan for a Community bus to service the Public Housing tenants in Coombs to provide them with easy access to the bus [for those with disability] to get to Cooleman Court for shopping, medical and other services given there are none in Molonglo at present
- What are the plans for the School at Denman Prospect and when will Years 7 to 10 be catered for in Molonglo
- is there any plan for a College in Molonglo at this time
- What is the timeframe for the start of development of the Town Centre for Molonglo
- What is the timetable for the building of a bridge over the Molonglo River to link the two parts of Molonglo
- Is there any progress on the provision of a School Bus to bring the students at Mount Stromlo High School home in the afternoon
- What plans are there for the provision of sports ovals apart from the one behind the fence at George Weston Public School