A decision approving the Development Application for the Dog park off Waragamba Avenue in Duffy has been made.
The Delegate has put some conditions on the development primarily onthe access road in and the need for safety for the equestrians who ride on that area but also for no trees being removed, and bencches and seats to be placed there along with a bike rack and 36 parking spots.
Hi, I note that this suggestion was made six months ago. Has Council acted on this? ie approached the Government about putting sportsfields etc next to the new Duffy dog park, to reduce the impact on stromlo forest park?
From the Chair
Council has not approached the Government to ask about putting sports fields adjacent to the Duffy Dog Park. Your earlier comment was missed at the time that it was made we think. Sports Fields are planned to be at the eastern side of Stromlo Forest Park and include an enclosed rectangular oval in the concept plans. The site adjacent to the Dog Park is currently Zoned as NUZ3 – Hills, Ridges and Buffer Zone.
Dear Chair, thanks for the response. Since the WCCC is now aware of this suggestion, and the WCCC was established to lobby on behalf of residents (not just communicate the government’s plans or the views of the WCCC), can I expect that it will now be raised with the government? The November 2015 meeting of the WCCC was very clearly opposed to overdevelopment of stromlo forest park, and this suggestion would help to address the concerns of that meeting, with no loss of planned sporting facilities. Surely that is a win-win for the community?
The Duffy location for the dog park is probably a good outcome, but the consultation process was poor. Hundreds of residents commented on three proposed venues only for the government to announce an entirely new venue without consultation. If the WCCC is prepared to give the government a free pass on recent poor consultations for the dog park and for stromlo forest park, is it any wonder the government now thinks it can impose public housing decisions without prior consultation? I would be grateful if the WCCC could ask the government to reconsider its short-sighted plans to overdevelop stromlo forest park and instead locate the proposed developments (sportsfields, tourist accommodation etc) in the land adjoining the new dog park, not inside the boundaries of stromlo forest park. Thanks.
The Dog Park was relocated to the site in Duffy after an inspection between concerned and affected residents and several Committee members of the Council of the three sites proposed. All were deemed by Council and the community as unsuitable for a range of reasons. Council suggested the site in Duffy but wanted access to be from Eucumbene Drive. Council considers that is by far the best site for this facility. Unfortunately this was not possible to access from Eucumbene Drive and the access is to be off Waragamba Drive.
Council continues to consult with Government on matters affecting Stromlo Forest Park and Molonglo.
Tom Anderson