I would like to present this Report, a Report of what the Committee has achieved during the past year. It is our Report to you, the Weston Creek Community. It will include highlights, and what we have done in the past year and issues for the future.
- The starting of the draft Master Plan process for the Weston Group Complex. This would be one of the most significant events for Weston Creek community for the year.
- Funding from the ACT Government to enable Weston Creek to again host a Festival.
- The granting by the ACT Government of $500,000 for the development of the Fetherston Gardens.
- A survey of Weston Creek Residents on matters of importance to them
- A series of Presentations to the Public Meetings on:
- August 2011by David Dawes on the Cotter Road and an Update on the Molonglo Development
- May 2012 by David Papps, Director General of the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate of the ACT Government
- June 2012 by Gary Rake, Chief Executive Officer, National Capital Authority.
- March 2012 by David Dawes Director General Economic Development Directorate on Molonglo and the Cotter Road and Kathy Watson from AECOM – to talk on Park and Ride study
- May 2012 by Lynne Harwood CEO Communities at Work
- July 2012 by Tony Gill, Director of Roads ACT.
- February 2012 the Speaker of the ACT legislative Assembly, Mr Shane Rattenbury on the review of the Self Government Act, Helen Leayr (The Communication Link): Draft Guidelines for pre-DA Community Consultation and Fred Kasparek (architect) on a proposal for apartments in Wright
- November 2011 Master Plan for Weston Group Centre including Cooleman Court by the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate
- October 2011 Presentation by Kirsten Bloom, “Transport for Canberra”.
Submissions and correspondence were made on behalf of Council as follows:
- ACTPLA on Changes to the Draft Territory Plan variation 306
- ACT Legislative Assembly Committee on Draft variation 306
- Appeared before the ACT Assembly committee hearing on Draft Variation 306
- Submission to the Joint Parliamentary Public Works committee on the proposed Defence Housing proposed development in Weston
- Submission on the Draft Concept Plan for the Fetherston Gardens to the ACT Government
- Review of the Australian Capital Territory ( Self Government ) Act 1988 and any associated regulations
- Two Submissions on the Proposed Electoral Boundaries for the ACT Assembly
- Two appearances at the Public Hearings into Proposed Changes to the ACT Electoral Boundaries
- Submission on the proposed Master Plan for the Weston Group Centre
- Submission to the National Capital Open Space System Discussion Paper
- Submission to Transport for Canberra
- Survey for the ACT Government Review of Development Exemptions for Schools and Licensed Child Care Centres
- Made representations on behalf of the Community on the “Bill Kennedy Memorial Park”
- Submission on Park and Ride , Bike and Ride Sites under Investigation: proposal for Weston/Coolamon Court bike storage structure
Committees and Working Parties
Your committee has represented the Weston Creek community at the following Meetings ,Committees and Working Parties during the past year
- Meetings with the Chief Minister
- Meetings between the Combined Community Councils and the Chief Minister
- Meetings of the Combined Community Councils
- Consultation on the ACT Strategic Cycle Plan
- Canberra Airport Community Aviation Consultation Group
- ACTPLA Planning and Development Forum
- Molonglo Valley stage 2-Community and Industry Reference Group
- ACT Transport Policy Forum
- Molonglo Valley Stage 2 Workshops
- Stakeholder Reference Group meeting on the Weston Group Centre master plan
- a Men’s Health Forum; hosted by Jeremy Hanson MLA on 17th May 2012 (on behalf of the Weston Creek Community Council).
Good publicity was received for Council and several issues which were significant to the Community including an extensive interview on the local ABC 7.30 report on the impact of the Molonglo Development on Weston Creek.. Council has a monthly column in the Chronicle which outlines current isseus and up coming meetings and I want to publicly thank the Chronicle for providing Council with this opportunity. We are also thankful for The Chronicle writing articles on issues and matters of importance to our community. Council also uses flyers for a few specific Meetings each year which your Council believes are significant or important. Council also has a vibrant Website and we thank our Webmaster Lance Williamson for his great work for Council on this site. We also achieved some publicity in the Canberra Times. A Vote of Thanks I would like to publicly thank those who have served on the Council for the past year. Pat McGinn who has helped me as Deputy Chair, to Christine Wilson, a great Secretary and I personally am very thankful for Christine continuing in her role of Secretary this past. We are lucky to have someone with her skills and energy. To Simon Hearder – always good to have someone who manages finances well. Mal Ferguson and Max Kwiatkowski are people who give a lot and are rarely seen. Thank you both for your efforts and support and heather Hughes another of these unsung people who work behind the scenes. Heather has now left Canberra and we thank her and wish her well in her new home in Queensland. I would also like to thank the Weston Club for their support for Council by providing rooms for both our Public and Committee Meetings through the year at no cost. Finally I would like to thank the Community for the support that they have given throughout the year. Not always what we would want but it is received with thanks. The Issues Ahead:There are several issues ahead for the Weston Creek Community. The main ones include: It is an election Year but I don’t expect any of the major parties will change their ways with Weston Creek. In broad terms they have provided very little to our Community over 40 years and I don’t expect that to change as we have been forgotten because we are too small to matter.
- Services – we need a new Community Centre that includes a Library, meeting Rooms and hopefully a Seniors centre and an indoor pool.
- Planning – the Master Plan for Cooleman Court is foremost in our minds.
- Parking – Cooleman Court is an ongoing issue and is likely to get worse as Molonglo and North Weston develop
- The overall impact of Molonglo on Weston creek and how we can work together to make this better for both groups of Residents
- Road and traffic developments with Molonglo and the Cotter Road
Thank you for attending and supporting your Council.